
Student/Faculty Publications


Bottle Recycling Machine Using Convolutional Neural Network
Lohani, S., Shrestha, S. K., Singh, R. K., Acharya, B. K., Bhatta, B., & Magar, B. T. (2023)
International Journal on Engineering Technology1(1), 1–10
1. Samir Lohani, BEI 2075
2. Saroj Kumar Shrestha, BEI 2075
3. Rahul Kumar Singh, BEI 2075
4. Baikuntha Kumar Acharya, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering (Faculty)
5. Bharat Bhatta, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering (Faculty)
6. Bipin Thapa Magar, , Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering (Faculty)

Comparative Seismic Analysis, Design, and Cost Estimation of a Residential Building
Pokhrel, M., Adhikari, U., Dhakal, S., Dhakal, A., Ghimire, S., & Shrestha, A. (2023).
International Journal on Engineering Technology1(1), 27–36.
1. Mahesh Pokhrel, BCE 2075
2. Ujjwal Adhikari, BCE 2075
3. Suvechha Dhakal, BCE 2075
4. Aashish Dhakal, BCE 2075
5. Sachita Ghimire, BCE 2075
6. Anup Shrestha, Department of Civil Engineering (Faculty)

Comparison of CNN Architecture of Image Classification Using CIFAR10 Datasets
Pant, Y., Shah, G., Ojha, R., Thapa, R., & Bhatta, B. (2023).
International Journal on Engineering Technology1(1), 37–52.
1. Yogesh Pant, BCT 2076
2. Gaurav Shah, BCT 2076
3. Roshan Ojha, BCT 2076
4. Roshan Thapa, BCT 2076
5. Bharat Bhatta, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering (Faculty)

Detection of Missing Component in PCB Using YOLO
Chhetri, S. P., Bhat, S., Timalsina, P., & Magar, B. T. (2023)
International Journal on Engineering Technology1(1), 62–71.
1. Shivaji Pandit Chhetri, BEI 2075
2. Santosh Bhat, BEI 2075
3. Pradeep Timalsina, BEI 2075
4. Roshan Thapa, BCT 2076
5. Bipin Thapa Magar, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering (Faculty)

IoT based Distributed Framework for Agricultural Decision Support System
BK Acharya, AK Timalsina, B Joshi, BT Magar
2023 7th International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud)(I-SMAC)

Fault Detection in Printed Circuit Boards using Faster RCNN And YOLOv3
BT Magar, RK Maharjan
Proceedings of 12th IOE Graduate Conference

A Novel Deep Learning Based Nepali Speech Recognition
Joshi, B., Bhatta, B., Panday, S. P., & Maharjan, R. K. (2022, January)
International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (pp. 433-443)

Nepali speech recognition using CNN, GRU and CTC
Bhatta, B., Joshi, B., & Maharjan, R. K. (2020, September)
Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2020) (pp. 238-246).

Performance Evaluation of Graph Neural Network-Based RouteNet Model with Attention Mechanism
Dhamala, B. K., Dawadi, B. R., Manzoni, P., & Acharya, B. K. (2024)
Future Internet, 16(4), 116.

QoS-Oriented Adaptive Routing in Distributed SDN using SARSA Reinforcement Learning
Dhamala, B. K., Dawadi, B. R., Manzoni, P., & Acharya, B. K. (2023, October)
2023 7th International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud)(I-SMAC) (pp. 301-306). IEEE.

Usage of IoT framework in water supply management for smart city in Nepal
G Gautam, G Sharma, BT Magar, B Shrestha, S Cho, C Seo
Applied Sciences 11 (12), 5662